(Inhale) I take a deep breath, trying my best to inhale life, prosperity, freedom, happiness, wisdom, and passion
(Exhale) When I exhale, I release the negativity of my present and past , the lack of energy, the lost passion, the questions I continue to seek when the answers have already been giving to me
JUST BREATHE (inhale then exhale)
My body aches
I’m doing this to myself
Feels like everyday I have to shield myself from this earthquake
Can I pause time?
Can i have a moment?
Can I smile and it actually be from my enjoyment
I can’t move forward until I accept where I am
I might’ve took a detour
Thought I had things left to endure
But It had to be done for me to mature
JUST BREATHE (Inhale then exhale)
It’s not the end of the hour glass
My time is still ticking
I know you think you lost your future wife keep going
I know you feel like you gave up sports keep going
I know you feel like you should have stayed with music, keep going
I know you felt like you letting everyone down, keep going
Feel this wave beneath you and whatever direction it takes you, do the only thing you know how to do, and that is to keep flowing
No one said this would be easy
No one said I will have a perfect life
No one said my first love would be my wife
JUST BREATHE (Inhale then exhale)
Started living today with preparation for tomorrow
Tomorrow is not promised nor is the next second
You’re the captain now, no longer let the ship be reckoned
Pain, I felt that
Test, I pass that
Negativity will now be wiped off on the doormat
I will walk thru the door without fear of changes
Each step weighing heavy on my soul
I step
I look back
I turn
Only if I knew I had the remote control
Keep going!
I hear the voice
But which way?
How do I know it will be the right decision?
How do i know I’m not overreacting?
What if I wasn’t suppose to move on?
What if what I’m hearing is not the right alarm?
JUST BREATHE (inhale and exhale)
By: Miles Berry